Levantine B1.2 - Lesson 19

Registrations are closed

The Regular Ticket grants you access to: 

  • 1 Weekly Group Classes of 2 Hours Each 

  • 1 Weekly Debate

The Upgraded Ticket grants you access to:

  • 1 Weekly Group Classes of 2 Hours Each 

  • 1 Weekly Debate

  • 1 Weekly Private Individual Lesson of 1 Hour Each

The group classes for this lesson are scheduled each Thursday from 6PM to 8PM (GMT/UTC +2, Beirut, Lebanon time)

Marhaba! Welcome to Levantine Online.

Learn Levantine Arabic from the comfort of your home with our online Arabic classes.

This is lesson 19 of our B1.2 courses for the Levantine Arabic program.

Before you begin your learning journey, make sure to take our placement test and get your first trial lesson. 

For any inquiries about this course prior to registration, do not hesitate to send us an email at info@levantineonline.com. 


In this lesson, you’ll learn how to discuss and talk about Art.

You’ll also learn a bit about the history of Art in the Levantine.

You'll be introduced as well to a famous artist called Hiba Tawaji.

You will also be introduced to the grammar concept of Awzan and how useful it can be to understand how words are formed in Arabic.

Listening exercises


 Lesson details        



-Texts are recorded.

-The "Sculpture" video.

-The richness of the "country of contradiction" Hiba Tawaji.


Arabic word classifications (Awzan)

-       Definition of art.

-       The beginnings of art.

-       Golden Art.

-       Kitsch.

-       Artistic personality "Hiba Tawaji".

Art and its different forms



-Providing knowledge about art history.

-Learn about Arabic artistic models.

-Acquiring new vocabulary specific to art.

-Identifying types of words and practicing them through exercises.


Date et heure
8 avril 2021
Démarrer - 18:00
6 mai 2021
Fin - 21:00 Asia/Beirut

Levantine Institute of Tripoli

Levantine Institute of Tripoli , Azmi Beik, North Governorate
+961 03558063
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Levantine Institute of Tripoli

+961 03558063

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